As I walk along the ruins of man, I see what once was and what will be. Fire, and the desolation of society. Nothing but endless suffering and the corpses of the innocent. As the fire lapped up the sides of the skyscrapers, I saw my childhood lost and my dreams forgotten. Everything I had known and had been taught was gone, blown away in the wind like dust found under a couch. As the days passed, I realized life would never be the same. Nowadays, nobody accompanies me but the spirits of those who have passed. As I ponder of what has happened, my eyes tear up. These evils fill my mind often, as my thoughts are all that accompany me. I think of the dead, the living, and the suffering they are put through; I think of the broken families, the dead titles bestowed upon man that are no more. My brain is as a television set, you cannot control what show comes up next. In this new world, you either fight for your life, or die trying. Common folk have become savages, killing anybody they find, save a few children. I have destroyed the lives of these savages to ensure the survival of myself. It keeps on getting worse and worse. Almost every day now I have to avoid camps of these monsters in order to keep moving on. Food is an issue as well. Either it was spoiled by one of the blasts or taken by another personage. I have nowhere to hide from this torment. Life is a drag. This new world is taking a toll on me, like being in an empty coffeehouse with no one to make you coffee. Existence is meaningless now. Nothing to indulge yourself in, no way to enjoy yourself, just pain and suffering. The only way out is self-murder. I have been tempted at times, to be honest. It seems as if it is a better option than living in this hell. I know that one day I will be dead, lying on the side of the street with a bulled in my skull. I know this but I keep fighting. For my loved ones, for the innocent, for the motherless children, for life in the dead.